It is with muchos muchos looooooooooooove and pleasure that I introduce to you the newest member of our little dysfunctional family. Our Bulldog Yoda :) We got him mid September and have just loved him more and more with everyday that passes ( Okay, maybe loooooove and frustration were mixed up the first 3 nights when he kept us up howling and crying for his mommy ) But he is now used to us, and we / us to him / his highness / his royal stinking majesty.
Although he is registered as "Captain Mojo" with Kusa, we prefer Yoda-ley-hee-hoooooooo.
Thats what I call him sometimes when I'm in a musical mood.
Hennie does not like that.
Its just YODA okay. YO-DAAAAA.
May the force be withhhhhh youuuuuuu.
Funny, you'd think that we were star wars fans because of his name, but I have never watched a Star Wars movie - ( Enter dramatic gasps from Star Wars fanatics here )
This mister right up here is where his name came from - that, mixed with some vodka, and a very late night out ( Yoda and Cartman were the leading names, amongst maaaaaaany other funny drunk ones )
So yeah, now everybody knows Yoda, if you ever see him, give him a cookie :)
Siiiiit - Good dog x x x