A toast to losing the excess baggage
One of my close friends once quoted a Jerry Mguire movie, to explain to me what love is NOT about. It was the well known phrase in the movie, where Renee Zellweger tells Tom Cruise "You Complete Me!!" He explained that NOBODY completes you, you are your own person, and after thinking about it, it made a heck of alot of sense.. You dont need somebody else to make you seem more unique, you can do that all by yourself.. I guess thats what i was afraid of, of losing the other part of me.. and i suppose I was still holding on a little, too scared to lose it completely. But Ive come to the realisation that I CAN make it on my own.. and im sure theres a whole lot of shit im gonna find out about myself that i never knew.. Im hoping most of its good. Thank you Jonathan..
You will be fine, we all loose love some other time you just need to pucker up and go on.
Jeepers we have Dr. Phill and Opera here. But sadly this looser totally agrees. You go Sam...you never needed a excuse for human man. Nothing against your ex. I do not know him and judge him directly.But me being a lesbian...I dislike the species called man.
What a bunch of ill formed, lack of honesty, good for nothing group we are. Grow Sam...Grow and fly like the butterfly you are.
Ja Marra.... ons is kak ;)
Parra...im not a Black woman.....Ill kick ya...piep.....piep....piep...and then i will....piep...piep..
Sorry Sam that your nice blog was exposes to Violace...hihih
Ooooh...Is there something you want to tell us etain_lavena hun? When someone
compare your word to someone else, and you retort by telling me your not something I dod not tell you, you are...There must be deep longing to be ?
How does that make you feel? Oh and my dictionary can't explain the meaning of piep. It sounds dangerous and exciting...Could you explain it to me in private? Come on...be a doll?
Ok Parratjie I will explain it in private to you in great detail, just know it might be painful. Are you strong enough?
Deep Longing to be some one else...hhmmm...I always go to Spar and try to buy a new life but they don't sell that, balddie Liars,good for life, YA RIGHT...
Hmmmm...strong enough...Don't know physically but I have a strong love for a jacub straight-up. Hahahaha...beautiful flower for the ill-informed idiots.
But I'll take you on to answer your question. The last time I was scared was when I was breast fed by my daddy. I don't know about SPAR, but I do know *sing Spar tune* Sperm good for you...Hahahahahahaha... so the nasty books say. And my dokter friend that moved to Australia. Damn woman. Now I have to pay for medical care.
Oh and pain is nothing, compared to what it feels like to give in. ;-)
hak hak hak.....if anybody wonder Popeye laughed at parratjie
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