Thursday, November 16, 2006

What do you wanna be when you grow up?

When I was younger, I always dreamt of being a Vet... I even had plans of opening up a hotel for dogs, with their own individual "hotel rooms" for when their owners went away... sadly I changed my mind after losing one too many dogs that I loved, my last one being "snoopy" the most beautiful Cocker Spaniel who died last year, at the age of 15 years.... he shared everything with me.... It was like he was my guardian angel.... waited with me till I turned 21, and then God took him... Anyway, I couldnt see myself having a life where I would have to put out sick animals.. I dont have the heart. Another life long dream of mine was to become an Archeologist.. that dream was also dashed when my teacher told me my Marks in school are looking so bad that the only place I'll be able to dig one day will be in my backyard...hehe... Im happy at my job that I have at the moment... its not my dream job, but I have realised that many people havent got the jobs they always dreamt of... What was your dream job?


Anonymous said...

mmmmm Dream Job.... When I was small I always wanted to be a cop.... Now I hate the bugger so I'm glad I changed my mind... A Dream Job.... Test driver....

Anonymous said...

A Porn star...........

Anonymous said...

I wanted to be an actress like every girl, but I was serius about this, I even spent time on the set of isidingo as an appy to Mike brunner.
That unfortunately is where I found out that the business of film is 10% talent and 90% connections.
Now I work in home loans and like my job. but I like money too much to stagnate too long

SaM-GiRL said...

Yeah..... everything is always about connections in that industry, or who youre willing to sleep with.... I also want to sing, but Im shy as hell.

Anonymous said...

Any form of racing driver

Tash-Baby said...

mmmmm my dream job is being a wedding planner....sam a supa star hehehehehe

SaM-GiRL said...

WHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH!!!! naps jys so 'n idiot!!!

Anonymous said...

wanted to be a marine biologist
when my money comes i buy a college
someting like accademy of learning and a boutique

Hamster said...

an actress .. not for the fame but really, because ii love disappearing from being me and turning into someone different .. either having better, or worse problem than my position (=