Thursday, December 07, 2006

Say No To Fur.......

Me and Juan-Marie were driving around the weekend (Ok actually I was driving looking for a bottlestore that was still open so I could buy a bottle of wine...hehe) and on our way back home, we drove past what we thought was a motorcycle accident, coz there was a motorbike in the middle of the street, and a bunch of people were hovering over what we thought was a body.. but with further inspection, I noticed it was actually a dog.. Naturally I tried to speed away from it, coz Juan-Marie is a huge animal lover, she has 11 dogs, so dont think im exaggerating, and when she sees things like this, it breaks her heart more than it does mine.. Hoping she hadnt seen it, I tried to make conversation.. but alas, she had seen exactly the same that I had, and therefore I was forced to turn around and go investigate the scene.. I didnt wanna go there and see a dead dog. When we drove past the scene to go park, the dog was laying in the road, with its tongue dangling out on the one side... It was a husky... most beautiful blue eyes.. luckily he was still alive. We got out and raced toward the crowd, immediately asking them if they had phoned vets to see if some were still open... one lady in particular was very "hush-hush" about the whole thing. Her daughter was sitting in the car sobbing, and she kept yelling at her to calm down.. we asked where the person was that bumped the dog, but the lady replied very abruptly that he had sped off.. After a few minutes, trying to figure out what we were going to do, the lady asked 2 of the guys that were standing there to load the dog into her car, Juan-Marie asked if she could drive with him in the backseat, to check that he was ok, but the lady declined.. which was very suspicious, me and her later came to the conclusion that it might be that B!tch that had run over the poor dog! Nonetheless, he did look fine so we werent that worried. I feel so bad for animals that have no rights... that have to be tested in labs, for make up and perfumes and whatnot. And for the poor animals that get shaved to be some fashion accesory for 1 month and then forgotten about and left in the back of the closet.... Its really so farken sad when you think about it! ....


Anonymous said...

i love animals and would really kill anyone that hurts them. I can not look at an accident involving animals or people, then the tears just starts comming.

Anonymous said...

yeah .. this is sommer kak

I whish that we can understand animals.

Imagine the look on that bitch's face if the huskey cried out "DIT WAS DAAI KLEIN TEEF GEWEES"

I luv my cat 2 bits. Bewaar die bliksem wat hom seer maak

Anonymous said...

pitty the cat doesnt like me

SaM-GiRL said...

Life would be less cruel if animals had a voice and could speak... Im allergic to cats, but i love them.

Terrible lie said...

I am not a huge animal lover..But I do agree it is wrong.. Anyone with half a brain would right?

LLOYD said...

Tis a sad plight for our animal friends. I myself is the one taking care of my uncle's two dogs a Labrador retriever and a Dobermann...and i totally abhor these injustices done by people who really don't give a damn!.Anyway nice post sam

Tash-Baby said...

Im a huge animal lover as well, it breaks my heart into a million pieces to see that there is other ppl out there that can harm pretty animals

Anonymous said...

@nosjunkie - i hope you mean the cat animal and not me

SaM-GiRL said...

hahaha @ cat!!! thanks flutopia, glad to see that guys also have a heart when it comes to animals, much better than the guys you read about that put crackers in their butts etc. etc.

Anonymous said...

Yes cat it is a cat.
the cat doesn't have a name but he thinks he's satan

Anonymous said...

Road kill yum yum... they taste the best cause just before the car hits the animal the animal releases chemicals into its blood system to anticipate the knock..... mmmmm sooo tender.... yum yum...


SaM-GiRL said...

FRANS THATS DISGUSTING! and its not funny!

Anonymous said...

there is nothing wrong with that...
I got a Q for you. Why are some people vegetarians? Is it because the animals have feelings??? plants also have feelings... what about them ??


Anonymous said...

Yea in my house we are not allowed to eat certain plants, like cucumbers for instance my wife seems to love them allot but im not allowed to eat them, now I know why... it seems that plants really have feelings. hehehehe... mmmmm that made me think.. what does she do with the cucumbers????

Anonymous said...

Hey Dude....

Something does not sound right with that cucumber story... Remind me neva to eat salad at your guys place, if i was eva to get invited.... mmmm unless u got a hot wife :)


SaM-GiRL said...


Anonymous said...

Sorry Sammy :(
I just get so upset when people only think about animals... what about those poor helpless lill plants... its not like they can run away...


Ps please spare a thought for all the tress that will get chopped down during this time. :( snif snif

Anonymous said...

ek is jags

Anonymous said...

Sammy that was not me.... I promise


Anonymous said...

ok ok I admit it, I said that. sorry! but realy, I am jags.


Anonymous said...

The poor cucumber had a name !!!!

hehehehe ..... steek hom dood en vreet hom op

Anonymous said...

mmm DW no one will hurt your cat, That thing will hurt all.

SaM-GiRL said...

hahahahaha!! good for you naps!