Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Belated Congrats!

I know this is loooong overdue, but you guys know I havent been blogging! I just want to thank the Green and Gold boys for representing yoh! foh shiz (lol) Im sure I speak for every South-African when I say that they did us proud! And I'm sure there were a couple of big 'okes that shed a tear or two - and hopefully everybody celebrated the occasion in true Souff-Effrican style with the boerewors and dop! By the look of things our rugga is gonna be pretty kak next year, but hey.... well always have '95 and '07!


Dan said...



(Dan, way over here in NJ, USA.)

SaM-GiRL said...

The Springbokke - Best rugby team in theh world.

Nosjunkie said...

I love the pics. we have no pictures of our world cup nightas nobody was calm enought to work a camera
I cried my god I cried my eyes out

SaM-GiRL said...

hahahaha, me too girl! I started crying in the beginning of the second half, coz I knew we had the game! It was ours!