Offcourse it is... where else can a girl offload. There's nothing better, after a long, hard, stressful, underpaid day at work, than having a glass of wine with your girlfriends! I love my girls, they undertstand me, know exactly what mood im in without me having to tell them, and know exactly what i need to get cheered up, and if you were thinking a dildo, then you would be wrong. mmmmkay? Last night we had another great girls nigth, chatted about everything, watched some tv, luckily Juan marie has PVR, so if a good flick is on, and we have something we need to say, we can pause! and then .... continue... LOL. Something i thought about, was how girls nights and boys nights differ.. with girls, you gan give them a bottle of wine, some soppy dvds, and about 3 topics, and it'll fill the night. Guys however, they always have to do SOMETHING stupid, why is that guys?? Id like to know. As for me, as long as they're laughing with me, and not AT me, im fine!
HEY MAAIKIE ASB BEL MY AS JY N KANS KRY!!! and yes girls nite was fun fun fun........
hey jm...
mmm u not my kind of girl from the looks. but from the chat last nite u r my kind of girls personality, u know bubble and all that good stuff.
Hay Johan, didn't know you are here.
Have to agree with him. It's more fun having a braai with the fellows.
Or with one of my friends to go and sit at the dam in the dark night time with a few botles of red wine, Darn how I miss those days. Think I have to get my buddy doing that. If I only had away to contact him.
And Beautiful, Enjoy every moment of your lady's night. Its the best way just to relax.
You know why men do stupid things. To try and impress the nymph in the corner "ignoring him". That is why men do stupid things.
Me, I'm a lesbian so I keep the "boys night" to a minimum. I'm sure a lot enjoy the company of their bosom buddies. But surely nothing beats the company of a woman.
Or the company of women?!?!?! When I actually leave my dark cave, I’ve always been lucky enough to have the plural of woman in my company. I must confess, I get
addicted. You would think the Cosmo editorials deal in most woman secrets…
Please listen to this sad puppy, a group of woman equals the keys to a LOT of doors…
Sure you’ll get a lot of crap as well, but all information books have shit to fill
the pages. The more you read the better you get behind the core. And getting
behind, on top, under the core is pure ecstasy. Enjoy your buddies, but go animal
with the opposite sex.
Guys do stupid things? Hmmm... I guess it depends what kind of guys you hang out with.
Our boy's nights are usually centred around a theme. This can range from anything from going to play pool, watch the F1GP over a beer, organise a whisky tasting event, go waterskiing,enjoy some visual entertainment at a "night golf" establishment such as Teazers, play painball, go fishing etc etc
None of these are "stupid" - it's just the difference between men and women and how each gender bonds with their own.
Expecting men to sit infront of the TV whole night chittering about the latest facial care products _would_ be stupid!
you make a valid point j-man, would be worried if my boyfriend behaved like that...hehe. but in general im talking about the "jack-ass" type guys. that jump into a fan for fun!
I think we're getting confused between guy's behaviour around girls (to impress them) and boy's nights.
Sure boys do act silly from time to time on such events, but that has nothing to do with girls.
I can't tell you the exact reasons why guys do things like bushdive, but all I know is, as technically silly as it is, it's funny at that point in time, and give a sense of comaradery.
Most silly things come as a result of a dare - this way you regain respect from your peers, aswell as given them something to laugh at.
Stereotypically I think it evolved from men being the sole bread winners - their wives going on shopping sprees (their therapy) with the man's money. The men, being bankrupt would entertain themselves with such silly, and cost free activities instead ;-)
HAHA Greate one Justify.
So in the end of the day its the girls own fault that some men act like that
you have to earn respect by being silly, nuffsaid!
lol! you just never give up do you!
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