Crikey Mate, Keep Filming!!
Id really be lying if i said i was surprised when i heard that the Croc' hunter was dead, truthfully all of us were expecting it!! It was just a matter of when and how? I loved the guy, and i am sad that he died, coz he was such a beautiful person. We were in Durbs when we heard he was killed, and then we switched to sky news to see if they were talking about it, and they were. I think it was his father who they interviewed, who spoke very highly of him. 5fm reported that after he had been stung by the ray, he told his crew to keep filming!! Obviously they had to oblige. This is kinda my tribute to Croc man! I wish i could be as daring as him, and love my job as much as he did, as his father was reported saying, "he was passionate about his job, and he died doing something that he loved!" Rest in peace mate.
I just ask myself, how the hell do you get stung by a ray? It has a backward pointing barb-spike, it's not asif it's going to swim backwards into you.
Oh well, maybe Aussies have replaced sheep with sting rays for pleasure *grin*
Justin, jy's 'n moroon. Ek wonder nog hoe jy twee koherente woorde langs mekaar kan neerskryf sonder om op jou hande te drool.
Hier's vir jou raad, doen ons almal 'n guns en gaan gee 'n broodmes 'n blowjob.
Oops, raai iemand het Aussie familie... ;-)
Ag juan my ou koekeloeks, dis julle bitches wat my so mal innie kop maak! Atleast ya still love me! mwah mwah! Sien jou na werk, Im bringing some wine.
Rest in Peace Croc Man.
Just-ify, you are making jokes about a man that died doing what he loves. Do you know he leaves behind a wife and children?? Its sick of you making fun of the man.. His family is grieving.. As if you care hey.. Well I tell you what.. His life was more purposeful than yours will ever be.. and the family has got is something you will always wish for. Grow up little boy!!!
Very true Kal-el.......
I personally always found old Steve a little annoying, to say the least. But yea, tragic I guess. I don't suppose "Crocodile Hunter dies falling of a ladder while changing a light bulb" would have made quite such a sensational story.
LOL!! yeah.......disappointing sensational story.
KAL-EL: I'm not disrespecting the person, I'm questioning how accurate the reports are.
In so far his wife and children... news flash, that’s life.
I don't hear you and the rest of America up in arms at the 100's of innocent children being killed and maimed by indiscriminate bombing of the USA - with weapons ranging from Cluster Munitions, Chemical Weapons (White Phosphorus) and Depleted Uranium. The latter which causes genetic damage in the population for generations to come.
If you want to talk about the poor families, do so regarding something that matters, rather than the absence of your favourite Sunday afternoon armchair Discovery Channel hero.
Granted, blogs are like little slices of life, and the posts are like thoughts bubbling up, and should be entertaining. However, I suspect Sam made this post to stir some shit, so my comment is more general and less about the trend of her blog. Here goes:
Croc hunter was entertaining and hence significant in the minds of the sheeple.
Maimed 2-year-old amputees crawling around in the DU-poisoned rubble of their families' napalmed homes have no entertainment value, and can be comfortably ignored by the Idols/Reality TV/Soaps crowd.
If 5-Fm doesn't report it as a 2-minute "news" soundbyte, it is irrelevant, right? If we don't hear about it, we can always say afterwards "oh, so sad, didn't know at the time". If something isn't trendy, we don't pay attention to it. Humanism, independent thought and research are so, like, yesterday.
This rant is dedicated to all you fucking kugels who are supposedly intelligent enough to know better, but don't bother cultivating a real personality because "that's, like, too hard".
Lol, but isnt that how u guys know and love me........the shit stirring type!
I think I sort of have to agree with Just-ify.
But first Yes all life's count, Not disagreeing with Kal-el here, but...
The way I see it, Every life lost is a terreble loss, but the thing that pisses me of are the fact of death of famous ppl.
If they dei, then it is over the news and it last for months, 5 months after deaf you still hear of it every where. But then if just a normal person deis, then its nothing. All you get is did you here.....
Now that sucks. According to me a famous persons life aren't worth more than mine or yours. So keep all equil, There's no one in life that is beter than the next one, Just deferent and luckly we are. But still equil.
grems, thats not what kal-el was implying, the arguement started because justin made FUN of the poor 'oke stating:
Oh well, maybe Aussies have replaced sheep with sting rays for pleasure *grin* " and like i know justin he is going to deny this in full. but that is what kal-el meant. obviously ever humans life matters...and it IS unfair that celebville gets treated more royally regarding this. but this whole subject has gone off topic now! This was supposed to be a tribute to Steve, so stop with all the shit already!
Sam: You obviously don't know me well enough - I don't back away from my statements.
Death should'nt just be about sorrow and missery - everyone pretending to care as a result of projected sympathy at realising their own mortality.
Sometime's one should "pull the mickey" to lighten up a tragedy and ease realisation of how fragile life is, and the inevitable fate that awaits us all.
That said, don't get all hypocritical - that Rayban add is as equally disrespectful as my slighting comment of Croc Hunter being stung by getting behind a Ray.
A shining example of GD's comment on "5fm" mentality. It's funny to look at rip off's of the tragedy, but if you make a joke then you're a bastard... please.
As for KAL-EL, your ignorance on world matters deserves no response. So I'll oblige your request for silence.
I just love it when people fall for my words. hehehe
The votes are in, and Kal-el is in favour. Congrats Kal-el, pick up your pair of Ray bans pls.
MR Just-ify... Stellenbosch is very close to Durbanville... find me if you can im the Fugitive. hehehehehehe
Kal-al (Kal-El): Well actually Durbanville is on the other side of the N1 *grin*
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