A Tribute to our Heroes
Its been 5 years since all of us were glued to our tellies, watching in horror as plains crashed into the world trade centres.. and they kept playing the images over and over, and each time the same sickening cold feeling went through my spine. I was in standard 9 when it happened, I can still remember all the hysteria at school the following day, after everybody had seen it. It still feels like a fresh wound when you talk about it, it doesnt feel like its been 5 years at all. I dedicate this to all the fire fighters, all the ppl on the planes, and all the ppl who did whatever they could, to help, and especially the families.. who have been left behind, with nothing but grief, remorse, and a questioning to what has happened to the world! 9/11 will never be forgotten! Neither the ppl who died on that day.. They will always be with us, in our hearts..
mmm Time fly's.
That will always be a history mark in our life time.
I'll see your so-called "moment of sympathy for the victims" and raise you this:
I'd like to dedicate a moment of remembrance for all the dead Afghani and Iraqi children the US armed forces have slaughtered in "retaliation" (more than the number of adult civilians who died in the WTC buildings).
I realise these children are not American, and hence unworthy of our sympathy, but I'm a sucker for humanist values.
Body count in Iraq only: http://www.mykeru.com/bodycount.html
Questioning the official version of 9-11:
More info on 9-11, and the questions which were not asked (never mind answered) by the US government:
I won't paste any URLs (google it), but consider this: America is the only country which manufactures landmines, a great producer of the cluster bombs so loved by the Israeli's for "depopulation" of civilian areas, and the world leader in arms production and military spending. The money they spend on killing people in other countries which are no threat to them could be better spent making their own country a paradise (and the figures involved makes that a possibility).
If you have to feel sorry for anyone, shouldn't it be for those who are slightly (if only statistically) more innocent?
To hell with your caste-selective 5-minute sympathy blurbs.
The one URL got chopped. Here it is again (stick them together):
Adriaan, if it werent for them, we wouldnt have had to retaliate? Or what do you think? Im not saying that i dont feel sorry for the other people, but 9/11 is in memory of those ppl, so hey, why not do a tribute for them?? We also get punished for what our forefathers did to us, but you dont see anybody crying a river for us do you now?? Once again, if you dont like what we put on our blogs, dont farken read it ok. Easy as that. I bet if you had family in the world trade centre that got killed that day, like some of us do, you wouldve felt different to this WHOLE subject.. but as long as that didnt happen, throw your hissy fit tantrums.
I do feel sorry for the people who died on that day. There were many multi-national companies in those buildings... South African's aswell.
I feel sorry for the fireman who did their noble duty.
I also feel sorry for the American nation who have been fooled by a presidential unit (the whitehouse and associated intelligence agencies) into channeling the shock of this event into hatred of the islamic world.
My person opinion is that the US government had more to do with the 9-11 disaster than Osama Bin Laden (who'm the CIA have been funding for years to fight their own little backyard wars)... it would be so ironic that their pet little project comes back to bite them.
The US nation should fear their leaders more than any other potential enemy out there.
But yes, sad day for those killed - even more worrying for the rest of the world, the excuse it generated for the US to go on a self-serving military rampage.
Thank you Justin. Wasnt expecting that, but thank you.
Dear Adriaan
As much as I would like to not vomit, your post does stimulates my bile-producing function. It also makes my eyes bleed.
I'm going to say this "faux intellectually" so that you can understand: you are as unthinking and unintelligent as the grass blowing in the field. You believe everything mass popularist media dishes up and regurgitate it at parties and functions as your own, because the shock value and impression of pseudo-intellect invariably draws response, positive or negative. You fall guilty of exactly the same thing you critisize in people who believe the "official" version of occurances.
If it was popular in the "non-conformist" media to hate dogs, you would be pasting URL links to show how dogs outnumber humans 10 to 1 and should be tagged and bagged as to ensure our survival.
All human life is regrettable. To lessen the severity of the loss of one group over the other is to be guilty of exactly the same thing you are supposedly protesting against.
Why not lament for both the Iraqis and the Americans? The Lebanese and the Israelis. I'll tell you why - YOU DON'T REALLY CARE about either, but choose to cling to statements which draws attention to you (exactly as I am doing now).
So now you got your fix of attention. Please go kill your family so that we can shake our heads, and make sympathetic noises and say "they deserved it, because they brought him up to be so evil".
All LOSS of human life is regrettable.
my bad
whahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!! Very well said!
My point (see my comment on previous post) is that it's easy to do a quick 5-minute sympathy blurb for the sake of boosting your self-image.
If the media hadn't blown up the 9-11 thing it wouldn't be acclaimed to be such a grotesque sympathy orgy. And Sam, your statement that "we had to retaliate" is not well-informed. Please visit the URLs I posted.
I stand by my original statement: you consider the American victims to be somehow better than the unfortunate inhabitants of the Middle-East, and you demonstrate this by trotting along and celebrating "9-11 day" along with the rest of the world, because it's so damn trendy.
johnny5, I disagree with your definition of "mass popularist media". I don't watch CNN,BBC,FOX,Sky,etc. because they propagate exactly this bias I've described above, and don't encourage critical thinking in their audience. I certainly do not run along with every new trend that emerges; in fact, I am highly critical and suspicious when someone says "you have to do it 'cause WE ALL DO IT".
Also, I don't follow your switch from one assertion (namely that I just lap up whatever the mass media tells me) to its complete opposite (namely that I am a follower of the "non-conformist" media). I cannot be both; make up your mind.
Read some of the material at those URLs I pasted, then we can talk again. If you prefer not to read up on 9-11 and believe without a moment's hesitation the US Government's story, don't criticize those who do want to know the truth of what happened.
Perhaps you didn't notice my statement that I consider myself a humanist. I'll spell it out for you: I value all human lives equally, but I don't cry in despair for humanity like you do. Human suffering is unnecessary and avoidable in today's world, and I despise any country and culture which supports a war of aggression (which is what the invasion of the ME was).
If I had family who died in the WTCs I would be angry indeed, but at Bush&Co who precipitated the event and not at Saddam (who was an outspoken opponent of the CIA-funded Taliban). The facts of the matter are readily available.
Sam, it's actually not funny at all.
Why dont the two of u concentrate on ur own blogs for a while and stay off mine mkay. Coz u always seem to be the ones complaining, and bitching and looking for attention, my friends know me, and they know that i trully care for all victims of "anything" and if your sole purpose in life is to try and make me look bad, im telling you now, you wont succeed. Im a good person, and i wont let ANYBODY tell me otherwise, ive had enough of ur shit, stay off my blog then!
If you feel like Stalin, God supplied the ultimate solution... the 'delete comment' button.
It's not the most democratic of options, since most people appreciate a diversity of opinions - and any person remotely capable of appreciating a good debate will agree.
But yes, the delete option isn't all that difficult to initiate.
Justin, im not like you, i can handle criticism! I know you delete all the "howwible nasty things" ppl say about u on ur blog, but i can take it like a man!Even though i am a woman, i think id make a better man than you anyday. Go write about your new toilet dispenser now pls, coz the blog on ur new bed thrilled me shitless!dont forget to delete the nasty stuff now!!
Clearly you can't handle our diverse commentary. This comes as a surprise to me, although I suppose it shouldn't.
And then Sam said, " but but um... well like my house is cooler than yours so :-p "
My God, I've regressed to pre-school. Its so cute.
No wait I lie, it's disturbing.
Boksburg.. tra la la la laaaa
And I'll save you the time and huge mental drain it takes every time you reply by doing it for you.
Pseudo Sam: " My bitches love me for who I am, and just because I can't think further than a McDonalds happy meal doesn't mean I'm a stereotypical PA!!!!!
Now go play on your piece of crap blog and leave me alone. I don't know what healthy debate means, but whatever it is, I can cook it better than you can. "
PS> you can thank ME for introducing you to the Blog community, at your leasure.
Have a nice day now
LOL. thank you kind sir, now kindly PISS OFF.
You are playing the man, not the ball (to borrow a rugby term). You missed that I put "non-conformist" in quotes, to signify that it is today as popular to be a non-conformist as a "supporter".
You are right, the facts are available, but to both sides. For some marvellous sites debunking 9/11 myths, go to:
You can google a thousand more, also some "right wing" material about why the war in Iraq is justified:
The point I am trying to make is that a million websites are dedicated to proving or debunking the stories about 9/11. I am not debating, or even interested in that.
As you are a self-proclaimed humanist, I must however raise my eyebrows to your statement:
" but I don't cry in despair for humanity like you do. Human suffering is unnecessary and avoidable in today's world, and I despise any country and culture which supports a war of aggression (which is what the invasion of the ME was)"
If we can agree that America is waging a "war of agression", how does that differ from an unprovoked military style attack which claimed the lives of 3000 people? Are their lives worth any less than those lost in Lebanon, Iraq and Afganistan?
And those lost to rocket attacks in Israel? Or thousands starving from hunger in Sudan? Or millions dying from AIDS in sub-saharan Africa?
I reiterate my statement that you do not really care about these people. How can anyone who is a "humanist" NOT cry in despair at the violent loss of human life? I also reiterate my statement that you, sir, are a hypocrate.
And an egotist. You are clinging to these issues and using sam's blog as a soap box to draw attention to yourself.
What do you really know about 9/11? Can you unequavocally and beyond a shadow of a doubt say that the Bush administration was responsible for the 9/11 tragedy?
Even if they were (which I doubt would ever be proven), does one not reserve the right to be angry at the people that "built the mechanisms of the destruction" and "pulled the trigger", so to speak?
If a man pays someone else to shoot his wife, BOTH are liable, not just the one who paid.
I thus see your pseudo pity for the afghani's and iraqi's and rasise you this:
Are you sad about the blacks your dad's government had killed, exciled and tortured in a "war of agression"?
Do you cry for the hundreds of dead Tutsis... dead Somalis. I believe you are not, because you can gain nothing from crucifying those who perpurted the crimes that killed them.
Justin, just shut the fuck up, I can still stomach goblin as he at least tries to be intellectual. You just suck donkey cock.
Johnny, I learn from the master *g*
Greendemon, you are a HYPOCRATE... and now also apparently a bad resercher. A quick look around ye olde world wide web shows the following about the author of the document you linked to (Steven E Jones, PhD):
"The paper has been the center of controversy both for its content and its claims to scientific rigour. Engineers who have studied the collapses have dismissed the controlled demolition hypothesis with reference to the consensus that has formed in the engineering community about the official explanation."
and links to:
Did you know that he was removed on the 7th of September from his lecture post on paid leave? "The university cited its concern about the "increasingly speculative and accusatory nature" of Jones's work and the fact it had "not been published in appropriate scientific venues" as reasons for putting him under review."
But my favourite illustration that you ascribe to any view which aligns with your preconceived notion of the events (as apposed to your so-called search for the truth) is that on your very own blog in the GCH section you say that:
"walking organic material, or human protoplasm. fit for consignment to the furnace, or the compost heap. politicians and religious leaders included by default."
How funny is it that Jones, and I quote, "Jones has been described as "a devout Mormon and, until recently, a faithful supporter of George W. Bush." "
So you base your whole assumption of what happened on 9/11 on a person whom you perceive to be "walking organic material, or human protoplasm. fit for consignment to the furnace, or the compost heap".
If this doesn't show that you are indeed the worst kind of uninformed hypocrate, I'll eat my hat.
o ja, meer info oor jou Jones by
Yeah, i knew greendemon was a fake...with a name like that could u blame him? much better than adriaan, but still......FAKE
another link that debunks the "controlled demolition" theory.
Oh my god the testosterone overflow! Johnny: there's such a thing as constructive criticism. No name calling needed. Now now children...
Yep, they dont grow up, and Juan marie, next time u sign in under anonymous, try not to give urself away by typing in CAPS, as only YOU do. mwah mwah.
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