Be my Baby.....
Everywhere I go lately, its just damn pregnant ladies!! If they're not pregnant, they have the children in their arms, or in the stroller! Even in Hollywood, its like a new craze going around the farken world!! Dont get me wrong guys, I absolutely adore children... desperately want one of my own... but not right now though. I mean, look at Britney Spears, in the tabloids everyday because she doesnt know what shes doing with her kids, yet shes pregnant again... I mean, nobodies perfect, our mothers dropped us a few times too, but if you're famous, you hafta know your mommy-skills-shit in public ai'ght! LOL. Angelina and Brad, in my opinion, are going overboard with the adopting.... serioussly... Enough is enough! I'd like to have kiddies when I'm 26, I think thats a reasonable age... What do you guys think? If you are even gonna have kids.
Bwhahahahahaha I dont want that one as my child.... hehe
26 mmmm still have a few years to go, but then its still to get engage and then marrige by that time our 28 LOL
Yeah what one someday.... will try for before 30 but will have to see...
I think that a mother knows when she is ready to have a baby. Even so, most of the mothers that are giving birth so early, adapt into motherhood instantly, as soon as the child is born, so its totally up to them.
that's why you have 9 months is to prepare yourself!
I would love to have a child married not married(marriage is in your heart), when the time is right the blessing will come.
Ekke wil definitief eendag kinder hê, maar die hemele behoed my as hul eendag soos Sam is!!!! Dan laat ek hulle aaneem!
Kinders is nice en fun...ek raak baie dae broeis, maar sal wag tot ons finansieel en geestelik daartoe in staat is.
Ek wil sommer 4 kinders hê!
Grem and I have agreed that if I have girls he will adopt them til I pop a boy.
Nah seriusly guys
I believe woman are the most amazing creatures on gods earth, not only are our bodies the perfect vessel for carrying and nurturing a child, but we instantly become responsible for another life.
You are the tool that shapes a personality.
When i'm ready, yes ... When it happens unexpected, i'll will not run away ....
But for now i'll stay on the safe side
HAHA yeah Lee, Our deal.....
Hay DW if you make a oops, make sure its a girl.... Then your still safe...
hahhaha cute pic, no but some people just get pregnant for the fun of it or to get someone back, or maybe its their own way of trying not to loose someone
Tash, are you talking about that other chick that i "love" so much? Yeah... if you use it to trick somebody into stuff, then its not good. Tsk Tsk......
take it from me (i was young when i got married) its no fun. you love you children but life just flies past you. when you are older you have more patience. i almost killed my babies!! (almost) its a great responsibility. rather wait!!
Sam what are you talking about?? What Chick do you "love" so much?
Ag my f*k tasha!!! Die ene wat getrou het! Omdat sy MOES! Eish cat, dankie dat Tasha gespaar was en nie killed was nie, ek sou parra baie gemis het. heehee. @ Naps, Chicks are crazy, but you gotta love 'em for it!
glo my sam dit was so naby
maar ek is bly ek het die versoeking weerstaan. hie hie
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