This is me, and im Beautiful!!
Acceptance... something everybody needs.. but why? Why cant we be happy with ourselves just as we are, and not care if others like us or not? Most people in Hollywood are Fugly.. but they take characteristics that make them feel pretty and use it in full.. sure, nobody is perfect, not even in Hollywood where plastic surgery is as common as bread and butter on the table. Instead of trying to notice all your flaws, next time youre sitting in front of the mirror, look for the things that compliment you, and WORK it. Soon the confidence will start glooming from you, and you'll feel like a babe/stud in no time, and then all those critics can go F**k themselves. Why try to fit IN, when you were born to stand OUT!?!?!
Ek stem saam koex, hoekom try to fit in.....Ons mense is simpel, ek weet ja ek doen dit ook maar ons moet ophou doen wat amerikaners doen, dis wie ons is en as mense ons nie wil aanvaar soos ons is nie stuff hulle!!!!!!
Presies... hou op dit se en begin biki leef daarmee... ek watch jou!
"Peace Out" hahahahahahaa
sam girl jy is een van die mooiste mense wat ek ken (binne en buite) ek smaak jou pic, dit lyk so bekend.... toe onthou ek jy het my skelm afgeneem!!! ag wat laat die wereld maar sien hoe lyk ek, daars net een van my!!!
HAHA @ Cat!
Have to agree with Cat Beautiful!
Acceptence, ppl do weird things to get accepted by others but in the process they forget that they are perfect as they normally are, Yes every body has there up and downs. Got my few bad points, but it just part of me so take it or leave it! I'm a good person so if you dont like it, then Tuff!!
LOL @ Cat, thats the attitude!! meer mense moet so wees. Me on the other hand, as iemand so 'n foto van my sou neem en publish vir die wereld.......riiiiiight...... en grems, ons almal weet dat jy 'n goeie persoon is.. dit is hoekom jy soveel vriende het, en nie sommer sukkel om nuwes te maak nie.
genade ek voel soos 'n ma met baie kuikens.
dan weer ek het agter gekom almal van julle het harte soos taxis. eish .... plek vir nog een.
Umm is that a weird way of saying you got a beeeeg butt?
KAK man....jy het nou weer oulike boudjies...m girl se ook haar gat is groot...maar dis vir my heelgoed. En dink girls is net insecure, maar wie worry wat ek dink.
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