Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Riding in cars with Girls....

Few people can say they're still in contact with Friends from their high-schools, so I'm very proud to say that I still have some of my BEST friends from primary school... That really is an accomplishment... Well, to me anyway! Its so funny though, coz, now were all grown up, and were driving... all of us.... and its so scary, coz u played barbies with these girls, and you saw how they crashed their barbie jeeps all over the place... now ur expected to feel safe in a "REAL" car with them.... The person i feel the safest with is Danelle... probably coz shes had her license the longest.. and shes a "safety freak" Im not even gonna start with Debs and Juan, Debbie gives praying a new name! I think the only reason she even got her license is coz she cried, and the guy felt sorry for her, and she thinks that too, so! Apart from Hennie, Tash is the one who taught me to drive, so I'll thank her for that, and for earning me the nick "SpeedQueen" and I aint talkin' bout the washing machine! hehe! Tash and me have the same driving skills I think? Not sure, but both of us learned on dirt road, while camping! While the men were fishing, Sam and Tash were driving the Sh*t outta the cars! Ah well.... Good times...


Gremlin said...

HEHE first thing first! Beautiful Pic.

SpeedQueen? Sound interesting!

Uhmmm Yeah I had to learn my best friend to drive, well the K53 krap and what a mission it was! We went down to naboomspruit for him to do the lisence there, Strugled for 2days to start the lessons and then finnally we started, wel I thought so.
As we were driving alog the road doing all these K53 krap he saw a litle wild live walking around on the grass, before I knew it the car became a 4x4 and there we go, after the wild life over this bump over that bump between the tree's handbrake here handbrake there, Never cought it thou!

But yeah with no training going to his head he past that weekend! How I don't know but he did. O what a great time that was, Wish I could do it again!

SaM-GiRL said...

Yeah, i wish i could do alot of thngs again gremmy, but it aint happenin! lol

Anonymous said...

jy neem teveel fotos van jouself

SaM-GiRL said...

Really....... I never noticed

Gremlin said...

Ek like dit, hoe meer hoe beter. But Beautiful why you not wearing your seatbelt?

SaM-GiRL said...

LOL ~ ai gremmie!

Anonymous said...

I taught myself to drive...cost my dad a lot of money!

SaM-GiRL said...

LOL, yeah, guys are maniacs when they learn! i feel VERY sorry for your dad naps!

Anonymous said...

Yeah...1x Nissan Sentra, 1xVR6, 1x BMW 323 and a Cot 4x4 later....it was at that point when he said...fuck off out of my lif and bought me a car. Then he still had to pay for all the cars I wrote off that was mine...shame gotta love him.

SaM-GiRL said...

And im sure you DO! you better!

Tash-Baby said...

sy wou nie haar freaken seatbelt gedra het nie, ek het vir haar gese sy moet!!!!! ai koex!!!!

Gremlin said...

HEHE jy dit klink soos sys, Haregat en soek wat sy soek en niks anders nie!
Got to love it!!

Maar Beauiful, jys se jy voel nie veilig nie, maar jy lyk vir my nogals heel cousie daar in die foor seat.
Tash volgende keer maak haar dit aan sit.

SaM-GiRL said...

Seatbelts are like soooo 5 minutes ago....

Gremlin said...

haha only 5mins? It safed my life before! Just thinking of your safety!

Tash-Baby said...

Ja like soooooo 5Mins ago and your gone SAM!!!!

SaM-GiRL said...

LOL, ai, hoor hoe preek hulle nou weer! ok, ek sal die damn seatbelt dra!

Gremlin said...

Ag dankie Sammy, wil net nie sien hoe jy nie meer daar is nie.

SaM-GiRL said...

Plesier gremmie. mwah.

Tash-Baby said...

Dankie koex, Jy beter dit volgende keer dra of dis ek en jy hoor jy my!!!!!

Gremlin said...

Tash as jy sukel laat weet my, dan sal dit ek en sy ook wees. LOL

SaM-GiRL said...


Gremlin said...

HAHA Sammy jy's in die spot. LOL

Drizel said...

hihih...breins op die voor ruit is ook 5 minutes ago....ek terg net koeks, jul moet julself oppas.

Anonymous said...

Gremlin you are a fucking limp dick wanker

SaM-GiRL said...

hmmm, really guiver.... i beg to differ.... what is up with all these ppl that only have bad things to say?

SaM-GiRL said...

hehehehehehe, you tell him grems!

Tash-Baby said...

Its because ppl like guiver is bored to death!!!!! His life sucks and then says bad things to other ppl so he can feel beter

Anonymous said...

Im liewe heksies best friend (hehehe)

Gremlin said...

hahahahah makatewis!!!

so iets ja!

Gremlin said...

HAHA we have a life but works boring!

SaM-GiRL said...

you know whats more sad, guiver and anonymous are the same person, and he is defending himself. tsk tsk.