Warning to all Chicks....
Sigh......... Not that this is something that happens everyday, but if it did, damn I wish I was there to witness it! LOL! Im writing this post for a friend of mine that keeps falling for the damn wrong men, I wont mention her name, but Im sure she knows who she is. I know for a fact that there are MANY great guys out there, Im lucky to have hooked one, and i have many great single guy friends, so the excuse that "all the good ones are taken" has worn out on me! She has the tendency to go for all the bad boys, and then she is stupid enough to think that she isnt gonna walk out of the relationship heartbroken and sad... It has happened too many times for her to still make the same damn mistake! WAKE UP girl! I love you, and if you're happy with a guy, I'll be happy with you ---- IF he makes you happy, but if i know for a fact that he is a player that only intends to break your heart, I will not stand by, I will warn you that you are making a mistake, and if you still choose to be with him thats fine, I'll still be your skank, but dont for ONE second expect me to be there when reality hits and you figure out that I was right after all, like all the times before, I will not take your sobbing calls in the middle of the night, I will not soothe your pain and tell you that all men are pigs, and there is nothing wrong with you, and i sure as hell will not come over and watch sad soppy chick movies and cry it out with you over a box of kleenex! Make the right decision from the start, or listen to your friends, who love you and only want the best for you, then none of this shit will happen!....
haai shame... i really think that your friend desperately wants love and attention and if she does not get it, she goes for any guy. better a minute of warmth and accetance than nothing at all???
i see it as a deep cry for love and acceptance. that does not make it right that she is doing. but i understand. to fill that empty hole drives some people to stupid things.
I do agree. No matter how lonly you are, even if it breaks you. Don't setle for second best, Don't go for what you not really want. You will only hurt your self. If they are are who you really want, we'll then with out being ugly, but open your eye's.
As Sammy said there are still good men out there and that is true. The good men are just teird of looking as all girls goes for the bad ass guys.
sometimes you do not always see the losers...I know cause I think there is a invisible tattoo on my forehead saying I take losers(only loosers noticed). Maybe that is just the case with your friend. Remember love is blind and you can not see the idiots mistakes till your knee deep in trouble and pain.
But I must say there is hope, my bf now is amazing and he is so way not a loser everybody likes him even my mom(and she has a looser barometer)...hihihi
Oh oh sy is n bootie call!!!
Hepatitus B hier kom ons! Sex without love is vir die voels!
Ok cat, but what if there are a few nice guys that go for her, STUNNING personalities, but not much in the look department, they'll carry her on their hands, and give her all the love she ever dreamed off.... but she denies them the chance because they're not hot enough? Does she really want love that desperately, if she only goes for looks, and the material things? Id much rather have a damn ugly, broke guy, who i love spending every second of my day with, than having a hot, rich guy who uses and abuses me, and all the other girls want him! Thats just my opinion.
Baie baie baie dankie NAPS!! Even jy sien dit raak! what is happening to the world!!
Well as n chick dig is! Kan jy niks daaraan doen nie! Sy sal well om harde manier uitvind.
aahhh as sy net vir die handsome ouens gaan dat is daar serious trouble vir haar. nie dat ek se die yummy guys is no-good. dan is daar geen hoop vir haar nie. you will reap what you sow!!!
dan kan niemand vir haar verskoning maak nie - in my oe is sy dan net pleinweg J#ps en moet toegebind word vir haar eie beswil
Ja Tannie ek stem. Ek is n hot ou en ek behandel my girl soos n prinses!
good for you - kan mens dalk jou kloon, die wereld het meer van jou soort nodig (hee hee)
whahahahahahaha!!!! JA naps is MEGA hot!
Tannie...Ek wens ook so dat sou ek myself gedate het!
LOL dis die spirit....love youself so that other people wants to aswell
Yip Liewe Jesus het almal mooi gemaak!
Hi Sam, just tell your friend she needs to hang in there. She will meet the Mr. Right eventually. We all need to go through a bit of pain to grow and learn. but only you yourself can determine how much pain you are going to endure.
That said, if she is one to only go for guys based on their looks... then she must be prepared to get hurt....
Thanks guys, i will let her know.
Hay Naps, True but just some more beautiful than the rest. LOL
just a friendly request
los asb die tannie, just call me cat
Ahhh nou is die kinky ness gone!
Koex jy kan die die regte keuse maak van die begin nie, jy weet nie of dit die ou is vir jou of nie, julle moet eers mekaar leer ken, en ek weet van wie jy praat en wat sy doen, ja dis verkeerd op 'n way ek verstaan dit....just think about it, as jy van 'n man like dan jy jou hart glo jy die verhouding gan last
True if you like him you wouldn't see the mistakes till to late
Ok, but what if your so intoxicated by it all, you cant see clearly, coz hes just too good to be true or whatever, then your friends should step in, not? I would want my friends to do that for me...
Well yes if you see his demon's yo better tell her. Darn my friends warned me a few time and I just ignored and they were always right.:(
Got to warn even if she gets mad, its your job of been a friend.
sugar-e, natuurlik is ek vir een vir die voels. a nee a ek is nie lesbies nie...
wie is jy?? ken ek jou?
ekt al 2 NUWES gemaak idiot! get with it!
And one day the weirdest thing happens and a guy that you were convinced is just a bad-boy player & you wouldn't trust your heart to in a million years, comes out of his shell, shows off his cooking skills & introduces you to his dog...
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