Monday, October 09, 2006

Heres one for the P1R guys!!

These guys are serious about their cars! And their racing!! Id like to tribute this pic, with lovely Lola dropping the suspension on the car, to them (shes a hottie aint she?) Ive never met somebody as passionate about what they do as these guys, always advertising the web on their msn, and telling anybody they can about the gatherings, the guys i talk to the most, from P1R is Gremlin, Napalm, and Mr.Vee.. Excellent guys! Really great! If youre looking for a good time, just give them a call, theyre ready to go out with you for a "dop" anytime! Also, if you guys have time, check out their website, its , im sure you guys will enjoy it! Theres great competitions and stuff!


Tash-Baby said...

hahahahahaha nice pic hoor

Gremlin said...

Hay Beautiful, Thanx alot for the advertising space on your blog. hehe
Your to nice!!

Anonymous said...

I use to be one of them

Enjoyed every bit of it

SaM-GiRL said...

Yeah, some guy must love that chick alot for her to sit on that cars bonnet.... good on him.

Gremlin said...

Hay Anonymous!
Are you who I think you are?

hehe yeah Sammy. She will never sit on my baby!! My poor baby!

Tash-Baby said...

hahahahaha your baby? Watse tipe baby het jy grems?

Gremlin said...

hehe Got a VW Jetta II CLI 16v, but she's still standing should be fine by the end of the week, then she'll be cured of her sickness, mmm can't wait miss her alot, can't stand it any more to walk into her room and just seening her lying there, it breaks my heart! LOL

Anonymous said...

WOW, thx Samie! Gr8 stuff!

SaM-GiRL said...


Gremlin said...

HAHA Shocking.... LOL

Drizel said...

Well all of them have the passion for what they love. I know all their dreams will come true, big aor small.

Anonymous said...

dankie sam nou het ek my eetlus verloor. waar kry jy al my pics???

Gremlin said...

LOL @ Cat!

SaM-GiRL said...

Whahahahaahaha!!! ag tannie is 'n hottie man! Veral met die nuwe sexy tan nou!

Anonymous said...

you so kind - i'll change my will!

Tash-Baby said...

Mamma weet ma lyk altyd pragtig, en ek het vir ma gese nou die dag dit lyk of ma gewig verloor het ma moet ophou stress

SaM-GiRL said...

waaaaaaat, tasha, moenie die subject kom wil change as jou ma die wil wil verander nie..... het tannie enige van my personal details nodig vir dit?

Gremlin said...

Sammy, you really wanna be in that trust! hehe

SaM-GiRL said...

Hell Yeah.......

Anonymous said...


SaM-GiRL said...

LOL, naps, moet nou nie lelik wees nie, ekt met haar gereel om vir jou 'n strip-o-gram by jou werk te kom doen, al die ouens gaan so envious wees!!

Anonymous said...

So lank sy net daar afklim!