Would we meet along the way?
Would fate lead us to eachother?
Does destiny want us together?
Would we meet somebody else?
Somebody whose heart also dwells
For the person that they need,
but in finding them couldnt succeed.
What if it wasnt meant to be?
This relationship between you and me,
Would it end with a terrible fate?
And leave us both in a state?
What if this were true?
There was no me and you......?
I wrote this poem for my babes.......
What if???
One of the bigest questions and the one I try to avoid as far as possible, I don't believe in getting old and sitting in my chair thinking what if........ Take chances while you can and at least you can say I did when old instead of what if.......
Nice Poem thou! And a lucky man!
Thanks grem, i wrote that in matric, i stumbled across my book with all the poems over the weekend when me and Debs got drunk, and she said i should put some of it on my blog, LOL.
"what if" never got anyone to the top of mount everest, or got the lightbulb invented, or got a man to the moon! live life in the here and now, and take chances. it's what seperates mankind/humankind from all other species.
great poem!
Thanks buttersnatch. You make a valid point, but some people are too scared to do stuff like that. Call me a wussy then.
^WUSSY! (you told me to)
LOL, yeah but i didnt really mean that you should...or that you...and ...oh nevermind....
You guys are reading the poem wrong... Me and Hennie have met, and we ARE together and happily inlove, the poem is just about "what if" we didnt meet...
Because, i was in matric, and i was supposed to be studying and i wasnt in the mood, so i did what any other lazy matriculant would do....no no, not learn.....lol
^For those of us that don't understand South Africa speak:
Matric: is used in both the noun and adjectival form in South Africa to indicate a high school student's last year of school - grade 12. Matric is not compulsory, although it is required for university application.
Matriculant (Matriculate, Matriculation): In South Africa, the term matriculate is used to mean "to graduate from high school". (This usage is prevalent in India also.) Officially, the qualification obtained at the end of secondary schooling is the Senior Certificate, and the school-leaving examinations are the "Senior Certificate Examinations".
I had to look that stuff up (god bless wikipedia!). Matric & Matriculate aren't words we use over here in the US of A. I guess we're dumbasses!
HAHA @ Buttersnatch
They don't make movies of us so I guese you would not know those stuff.
HEHE naps your always on attack mode here... LOL
I Hate What If's but then what if you never thought of a what if, would your life be better what if the what if's make you dream, do you still dont wanna think of a what if??????
What If's make dreams happen!!
Thank you for that very nice, long explanation buttersnatch, very very, VERY kind of you.
Wikipedia has matrick on...whahahahah, best news since sliced cheese.......hihihi...well babe this is a very nice piece.
The thing is with woman we wonder about the what ifs were suppose just to take the moment and enjoy it. My what if was abit different in high school, needed to grow up fast and needed to come to terms with some stuff. But If all that never happened I would have never been me today!
HAHA @ Naps
Okay carry on
Dis pragtig parra ek is mal oor jou poem! Jy en Hennie is regtig bedoel vir mekaar!!!
Dankie skat. ek weet ons is, i love my hennie bennie.
You've got to be kidding me.
I'm going to stand on some toes, but call this constructive criticism. Firstly, you can see the poem was written in Matric. It oozes immaturity, naïveté, and a limited grasp of the English language. I can only imagine one of two reasons for this:
1. This guy is really not that inspiring. Judging by his pic, I'm going to take this as the most likely scenario.
2. You wrote the poem when you were drunk/high/asleep.
I'm a poet. Take this from whence it comes. Great poetry requires GREAT inspiration...
Ag man grow up you dont know what your talking about, get a freakin life
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