Thursday, October 12, 2006

To a Loyal Friend.....

When I needed a friend,
You were right there,
When I was in a time of need,
You offered love and care,
I'm thanking you right now
For always havin' an ear to lend,
I hope our friendship will only grow,
And that well be friends 2 the end!!!

(A Poem for my great friend Gremlin, Thank-You)


Anonymous said...

baie baie mooi sam
dit som op oor hoe ek oor my beste vriende voel

*** het jy gesien ons skryf amper oor die selfde goed? ***
weird ne

Gremlin said...

O Sammy that is so nice...

*Gremmie is really touched and almost in tears...

Sammy you will always be part of my life, if you like it or not.. (but I know you do).

Loves ya my Wonderfull Beautiful Friend, until death do us appart!

SaM-GiRL said...

nee cat, nog nie gesien nie, sal netnou inloer inkyk... dan is dit seker maar waar wat hulle se -great minds think alike....heehee.
@ grem, yeah i know, ek sal nie 'n vriend soos jy wil verloor nie, jy is regtig wonderlik. dankie vir al die raad.

Anonymous said...

^you silly SA's and your South Africa speak. i take it that's Afrikaans, right? just sent all that mess to my SA friend that lives in London. should have a translation back in... 3... 2...1 ... DING! awwwww... how sweet. you guys are just all sugar and spice & all things nice;-)

sure wish i had a good friend write a poem to me.

*weeps emo tears*

Tash-Baby said...

ai sies parra and there i thought this was for me!!!! hehehhe nee ek speel net, dis beautiful!!!!

Gremlin said...

Tash don't steel my spot, hehe

Drizel said...

Baie pragtig Sammy....Maar Gremmie is maar special in many ways.

Gremlin said...

aaaaahhhhh Thanx Drizzy....

SaM-GiRL said...

lol @ buttersnatch! yeah its afrikaans... sorry. tash, you know i love you my skanky! i dont have to tell you that!

Gremlin said...

HAHA @ Naps

Tash-Baby said...

yeah i know you love me....but still!!!!! :O) me still loves you though