Friday, January 26, 2007

Bite Me!!

Summer is great, I love it, nothing better than having the sun shine down on your bare shoulders, absorbing the heat, lazin around by the pool, chilling with your friends.... But then night time comes..... First of all, its so damn hot you cant sleep, even if you take the covers off, its just too hot! But when you get lucky enough, and you eventually do fall asleep, it comes... you hear it.... first its a faint little sound... but then you can hear it sneaking up on you zzzzzzZZZZZ! Damn mosquitos!! You attempt to whack the little bugger, but to no avail. I always end up hitting myself in the face a few times. And then the next morning you wake up, and your whole body is covered in mozzie bites, and these little pests dont seem to have any feelings whatsoever, cause they always seem to bite you in the most ridiculous uncomfortable places! They dont care!! Between your toes, on your arms...WHEREVER!!! I hate lathering myself with "peacefull sleep" every night... but you have to! Dont you guys just hate it!!! Sigh....


Donsie said...

I do agree, but get yourself that stuff that you plug into the power plug. Works like a bomb!

Anonymous said...

or just put on a fan!!! Sorts ou the mozzies and the heat!!!!

I have one of thos indutrial fans....looks very stylish and it blows better than Jenna Jameson!

Anonymous said...

Idiot???? Jou gat man! Stywenek!!!!

Nosjunkie said...

Mozzies drop dead after taking bite out of me so I get my revenge

Phlippy said...

OMG - I know this feeling to well. Last night I was saying that it is too bloody hot to sleep under the coers - landed up sleeping under a sarong! The mozzies - well I don't get bitten luckily enough, nd they haven't bothered me yet... oh wait.. there. I jinxed it! No I'm doomed

SaM-GiRL said...

@ naps - ek sal vir djou moer!!!

@ lee - wow......poor dw! lol.

@ phlippy - lol! good luck! dont scratch, just make an "x" over it, its supposed to stop the itching. yeah right!!!

Drizel said...

its horrid

Dan Lurie said...

I hear you!!

The worst is when you turn on the light and they misteriously vanish, clever bastardos...

I have only one thing to say:

It may not always work, like when you can't find them, but all it takes is one BANG!! - to satisfy your revenge :)

Arlene said...

We don't have much of a problem with them here, unless there's standing water around. I HATE them though!!!!

Claudia said...

I can't wait for summer here...I need some heat!

Queery said...

Oh the little pests love my blood too!!!

Stewart Sternberg (half of L.P. Styles) said...

let me look around? Zero degrees. Dead of winter. Hmmmm. When the arctic winds blow out of Canada, and the sun is a thing of memory, it makes me yearn for a warm summer night when the insects bang against the screens.

SaM-GiRL said...

@ Other Duke - They only disappear till you turn off the light again...

@ Arlene - Yeah, in those cases they might carry malaria. Like the new pic.

@ Claudia & Stewart - Winter is nice for cuddling! Enjoy it, Coz when the warm summer nights come again, you wont be able to do that!

@ queery - They must have good taste hun!

Erica Ann Putis said...
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Erica Ann Putis said...

It's so crazy but they don't even have mosquitoes here in southern California. It's so awesome. You can actually go for a walk without waving your hands all around your head like a crazy person.

Nice blog too!!

Wayne Allen Sallee said...

Darn it, Stewart has beaten me to this commenting on your fantastical entry on hot summer mozzie bitey things! All I can add is, I'm on the edge of Lake Michigan and we get the Canadian air straight on down from the hellish underworld. Its about midnight and the wind chill here is twenty below. I promise to write about "skeeters" in a few months and you can reply on if it colder down your way. Deal?

SaM-GiRL said...

Deal wayne! I was looking through my pics this weekend, and I have a few nice ones of our beautiful South africa =), will try to get it on a cd and bring it to work to blog about.

Gremlin said...

I never get bitten... hehehe Lucky me...

Eric Riback said...

It's so strange to try and comprehend that it's summer there and winter here.

We've had unusually heavy snows in the Denver area. Yes, the mountains west of here are expected to, but not down in the city. Usually we get some snow and the next day it's sunny and 50 degrees (Farenheit) so it melts.

One of the great things is that, even "down" in Denver we are at 5,000 feet (about 1500 meters), so we have very few flying insects in summer. My friends live in the foothills at 8,500 feet (2,500 meters) and they have none at all.