Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Not Worth It....

Whatever!!!!! Almost nothing is actually worth it in the end! No matter what anybody says!! Like when you just broke up with your boyfriend, coz you think hes never gonna change... Dont for one second tell me that after you've left him you stop thinking about him completely, nuhuh, 10 years down the line youre still gonna catch yourself thinking.. "I wonder how he turned out" even though you already have 3 kids, and a husband that adores you, you'll STILL think about that guy! Not even mentioning all the pain you had to go through to forget him. So dont ever fool yourself with a silly line like this, dont worry about the end, worry about right now! and what THATS worth to you!


Phlippy said...

I cannot agree more.

SaM-GiRL said...

And you cant agree less either can you? lol.

Don said...

I tend to disagree.

If you tell yourself it's gonna be ok in the end, you'll pick yourself up off the ground, wipe the tears away, and allow your friends to take you out to get absolutely hammered and hopefully engage in very heavy petting with some hot random stranger, hoping that said petting leads to a good old rodgering.

If you don't start feeling better after incredible random action, then your friends need to try harder, that's what they're there for.

Action always helped for me back in the day. ;)

Allek said...

ur right i know how that is...and it SUCKS....

Claudia said...

Sometimes it is worth it, sometimes not. yeah, there are exes I still think about, one in particular that caused the most heartache...would I do it again knowing what I know now? yeah, maybe a little differently but it was worth it.

ZZZZZZZ said...

Very well said Sam-girl. I couldn't agree more! It is such a bullshit line. Kinda like the bullshit line, the end justifies the means. I don't buy that either.

Erica Ann Putis said...

True dat. But I think maybe it's more of a girl thing? We are so good at obsessing and thinking about things until our brains start to hurt. :)

Her Infinite Cuteness said...

Well said Sam, agree totally.

And yes sheila that line is complete rubbish!!! Sort of how i feel bout the saying, good things come to those who wait. (what in the afterlife?)

Arlene said...

You have no idea how much this hits home for me right now!

Gill said...

Your other blog is interesting, somewhat confessional?
Angry? Yet, nice.
Thanks for your comment on Dorothy's shoes! You're right, there's no place like home!
You are such a cutie I could just dunk you in my coffee.

Jenni said...

Well said! I still think about some of the losers I wasted too much emotional energy on. Then I catch myself and think, "Wait! I'm wasting MORE energy on them right now!" It's so not worth it.

SaM-GiRL said...

@ don - You have a right to disagree, but your explanation is just off.... girls dont like getting hammered and engaging in very heavy petting with a stranger, because remember, then you guys classify us as "skanky"

@ allek - It does suck hun!

@ claudia - yeah, in some cases its worth it, and others not, but most of the time, I think, we dont need to put ourselve through that.

@ sheila - who are the people that come up with this shit? dont they have anything better to do than come up with crap lines?

@ erica ap - yeah, its much easier for guys to get over it, like don was mentioning above, just get hammered, then its all sorted out.

@ cuteness - lol! yeah, i have been waiting for good things since i was in high school.... how long DO you actually have to wait??

@ arlene - I hope your ok, and whatever it is, you'll make the right decision.

@ blue the spa girl - lol....look at you, making me blush....teehee. yeah, the other blog was inspired from postsecret, i love how they can tell so much about their lives from a few words on a postcard...

@ jenni - TOTALLY not worth it!

Stiffla said...


In the end, it might have been worth it or not, nobody knows ...

Claudia said...

Very true...people will try to make things work when it's much better to just walk away!!

Phlippy said...

Sigh... now why you gotta be that kid. LoL

lordwiggly said...

Some love will just stay with us forever. These people touched our lives and we have learnt from them in some way. Dont clutch at straws, rather be thankful for the experience of life, and move on. (easier said than done I know!)

Urk said...

its true. some people are just like syphillis. they are with you for the rest of your life, and it eventually drives you crazy

ExMi said...

i want instant gratification...dont tell me it'll be worth it in the end...i want it to be worth it NOW!!

SaM-GiRL said...

@ stiffla - yah, but before you make the decision, be 100% that what you are doing is the right thing!

@ claudia - yeah, theres no use in wasting your time like that.

@ phlippy - what kid?

@ lordwiggly - what doesnt break you, only makes you stronger.

@ urk - lol

@ tam - EXACTLY!!

Nosjunkie said...

I wish I had a comment about this

Dino said...

hey - thanks for stopping by. I just took a quick look at yours and I totally agree we all wonder years down the road about the what ifs. I just heard my first ever boyfriend had a baby and I wondered what if we hadn't broken up? and so forth I haven't seen him in 12 years since he is in Germany. I am hoping we can met up when I go home for Christmas - just to see what he has been up too. It would be fun I think...

Flower said...

Hey Sam~Girl!
I know what you mean..but then again..its always just best to move on and go with the flow at times...mind you easier sad than done in my case!
Nice to meet you btw!


Flower said...

I meant 'easier said'..blimey..why does my spelling fail me on these blogger things??!

Dan said...

Sam, we're human, that's why we keep thinking about people we loved in the past. But I agree that the folks we love, who happen to be in front of us right now, are the most important.

Happy Valentine's Day, Sam. Hugs and kisses and lots of love.

Baba Ganoush said...

Good. Now I don't feel quite as dirty thinking about her. Is once a day too much??? LOL.

Seriously I agree completely. You can't change the past, and you can drive yourself crazy worrying about the future. Enjoy the here and now.

Phlippy said...

Hey, sorry I realised that the comments were far apart and very disjointed. Firstly I hope you were well spoilt yesterday. Secondly, I was saying the whole "why you ot to be that kid to your response about e not being able to agree less either. I thought it was funny. WEll in my tiny little world at least. LoL

SaM-GiRL said...

@ dino - yeah, just make sure there are no feelings left there. Otherwise I think it could hurt if you went back there.

@ melanie - my brain always fails me on blogger, luckily its just your spelling. teehee.

@ dan - thanks hun!!lotsa love to you too, hope you guys had a great time!!

@ baba ganoush - depends on how long you guys have been over...

@ phlippy - how i wish i had a visa to your tiny little world. hehe.

I will post another blog soon, Im just having some troubles with my server. Im not lazy k!!=)

SaM-GiRL said...

Whats that about?......Goose Fraba...=) Jou irriterende engelsman.

Stiffla said...

greggor mcdonalds ... hmmm ... sounds like second hand take away trash to me ...

you know .... everybody in our little community treats each other with respect, so listen up ...


Phlippy said...

Hey - I had nasty comments on my blog once. Greggor, please leave it. You got your point across, no fighting or abuse on this girl's blog please.


Anonymous said...

conflict, i love it! :)


Hello from Julia said...

thx for your comment on mi blog. yours are interesting :) ... big love is impossible to forget. i still think of mine (and he of me). i agree that you can move on, but you'll always wonder. it's awful. was it worth it? i don't know. it helped shape me, for better and worse. i love that cool linguistic edge your blog has! happy weekending in s.a.! (do you sometimes call it 'joburg'?)

Gremlin said...

Sincronising time.....

Gremlin said...

Okay you South African piece of second hand junkfood.

Beware of what you say here...

Your Windows might just get a virus on some funny strange weird way that you cant explane.

Treat All with some respect here. Ask your mother she will tell you what it means. Or rather just stay away.

Your hunted down....

Anonymous said...

My Adoring Public

Stiffla: I thought that maybe it was just the writing skill of people on this "blog" that was below par. Apparently the reading skill are no better. McDonald... no "s" at the end. If it is your silly attempt at humor, please forgive this comment, but still, do go fuck yourself. I bet you are fat.

And ugly.

Gremlin: Your level of utter stupidity astounds me. Firstly, I don't use Windows, I am smart. I use Linux. And even if I was a Windows user, I would be about as afraid of you as a basket full of kittens. Please "explane" how you are going to do that? Fly it in on a Boeing 747? Maybe someone should EXPLAIN to you how virus protection work.

PS. It's "You're" not your. Or are you my "hunted down"... whatever that means.

Lastly, what gives you the idea I'm South African. If you're such a computer whizz-kid, why can't you tell where I'm from?

Claudia said...

hey greggor mcputz...if you're going to get on people's backs about their grammar, maybe you should brush up on your own. Go troll elsewhere

KaB said...

lol...um, what's up with the greggor dude?

Somebody needs to chill, my god, I've never seen such anger on a blog! How pointless & useless you are being, esp in trying to get people to use English correctly. If this is your case, then do it properly & with a different, less aggressive approach. You'll never get people listening if you lose your cool with them!


KaB said...

Oh & to sam...right now I couldn't agree more with you but I'm pretty sure that there are good things that do come out of relationships. So we can't think that they're all 'not worth it'.

Surely (& this is speaking from observation, not experience) those relationships teach you something & leave a new person ready to take on another, if not the one! I believe that all relationships serve as preparation for the big one!

But right now, where I am in life, I can't agree more with you!

Anonymous said...


Who says I am angry? Why shouldn't someone who places their work in public domain be held accountable for the use of proper grammar and spelling?

SaM-GiRL said...

Sigh.....still cant blog!Why am I the only one battling!!!?

KaB said...

It's just the way you go about doing it...I agree, by all means correct people (I majored in English Language & Linguistics) but don't do it by offending them!

You know, there is something called tact, & generally it comes in good use at any given time!

Just a suggestion: use it!

KaB said...

soory Sam-girl...that was meant for greggor mac!

Why can't you blog?

SaM-GiRL said...

When I open the page where you do the new posts it says "Error on page"

ShadowFalcon said...

Problem with being human we tend to onder on what we don't have rather then appreciating what we do...

Her Infinite Cuteness said...

I missed the part where this became an english exam

Gremlin said...

O Mr. Mcdonalds I know more than you thing and sorry to say for you but there have been no Linux users on this site at friday... But anyway I'm not gonna mess my breath on you, Your not worth it.

Just one thing thou. if your such a gammar freak and its bodering you that much, Why the hell are you reading here???

Sammy can I help?? We'll will have a look anyway.

Gremlin said...

Sammy Draft....

Anonymous said...

live in the NOW!! Sam i believe if we keep looking backwards we will keep falling!!!

nice one.

ps. i taking a very serious survey on my blog... will you guys help???

thanks, Cat

Anonymous said...

Dear Gremlin

You know more than what thing? Maybe there were no users on this site at Friday, because there was one here ON Friday.

O Gremlin, Gremlin! You're post is a plethora of mistakes. It's almost so bad that it's entertaining. For your (see this is how you use "your") benefit, I will list them here:

"Your" means that it belongs to me... what you wanted to use was "you're", which is the abbreviated version of "you are".

"Thou" is Old English for referring to a person in a position of honour. They used "thou" as "you" was deemed not formal enough. What you wanted to use was "though", which is almost the same as saying however.

I am reading here, because I stumbled upon this "blog", voiced my opinion and, true to inbred Afrikaner form, you formed lager around Sam. I would have been more impressed if you could tell the difference between your shoelaces and your arse though (see, that's how you use "though").

SaM-GiRL said...

Grem, I cant draft or anything, the page doesnt even open, the last page it opens for me is the dashboard, then its stuck.....

Cat - From now on Im only going to live for the future, Im forgetting the past, and all the bad things in it....

Donsie said...

nee man Sammie!!! sort uit jou blog asb man - jy nou al vir n week stil!!! Ons mis jou elke dag blog!!!
btw bok van blerk info op my blog van gister as jy meer wil weet.

Phlippy said...

Hey Sam - I know RR had a problem with his blog a while back. Try contacting blogger support, it may, or may not, help. Always worth a try though.

SaM-GiRL said...

@ dons - ek mis dit meer as wat julle dit mis......glo my. ek het jou blog gelees, dis scary stuff.

@ phlippy - How do I get hold of blogger support? Have tried to look, or even send an email somewhere, cant find anything.

Nosjunkie said...

bluddy hell

Gremlin said...

mmm Blog support you will not find. but there are a forum thou, they also just send you there.
Will try something this side maybe it will help.

@ Mcdee's thanx for the info, will keep that in mind. What ya do for a living??

SaM-GiRL said...

Nuff said!

Anonymous said...

Quote "Nosjunkie":

"What brings me to tears is the fact that this Greggor Fuck is actually under the illusion that any of us actually give a flying fuck about his sad opinions."

And now, fixed:

"What brings me to tears is the fact that EVERY BLOGGER IN THE WORLD is actually under the illusion that any of us actually give a flying fuck about THEIR sad opinions."

What goes around comes around.

Anonymous said...

What keeps me coming back is the extreme joy I get from reading priceless, self righteous responses like that. Well played, straight bat! What, eh!