Friday, February 09, 2007

So Hot Right Now......

So apparantly its not cool to carry your pets around in your handbags anymore, as demonstrated to us a while ago by her Royal Stupidness "Paris Hilton" Yip, the newest place to carry your furry lil friends around in now, seems to be your bra, too bad Paris didnt come up with it first though, coz its getting ALOT of attention... seems shes losing her touch... and not only her panties... as usual...


Allek said...

how some Guys would love to be that

gniet jo naweek...


SaM-GiRL said...

paris hilton is like....soooo hot... how can she put you off!? lol.

Arlene said...

So, um, I don't think I'm down with claw marks on my boobies...whatever floats her boat though!

Jen said...

I claw marks for me either...although I don't think Paris would look quite like the photo... :)

Stewart Sternberg (half of L.P. Styles) said...

I'm not sure I like the idea of putting a dog in a bra..wait "DOG IN A BRA" sounds like some kind of new dish that might be served at a fashionable restaurant.

I digress. It seems a little cruel and restraining.

Dan said...

Damned lucky dog!

Gremlin said...

aaaahh look the cute puppy... LOL

Butchie said...

I like this post. Boobs are cool.

SaM-GiRL said...

@ Arlene - hmmm, never thought of the claw marks, you could pull of an "Eve" tattoo though... cheaper. lol

@ Jen - yeah, Paris needs to fill out a bit more....

@ Stewart - Lol.... I wouldnt go to that restaurant!!

@ Dan - Dontcha know it!!

@ Gremlin - STEP AWAY FROM THE PUPPY... (and like your actually looking at THE puppy...pffffft!!!)

@ Butchieboy - why thank you for your honesty.....=)

Donsie said...

Ja nee kyk wat mense nie sal doen vir aandag nie!!!

Phlippy said...

I think Paris would need to grow some boobs before she could do that :-)

SaM-GiRL said...

@ Donsie - Yip, some people are way too desperate

@ Phlippy - Not "grow" them, she just needs to buy 'em.... Much quicker and WAY more cool!