Monday, March 19, 2007

War is such a Waste....

I had the most horrific dream last night! Dreamt that the war had started in South-Africa. People were being killed left, right and centre! For no reason whatsoever! Men, Mothers and children! I think the reason it petrified me so much is because its reality! That IS whats happening in our world!.... I dont know what has become of us... I really dont know...


Phlippy said...

OK... that is NOT cool!

Arlene said...

I don't know about SA, but here it's because we're a nosey ass country that sticks its nose where it doesn't belong!!

Dino said...

i feel the same way as you can see in my post

Itsnopicknick said...

Make love (in dreams) not war! Much nicer...

Dan said...

You don't know what has become of us? Nothing has become of us. Humans have been at war with each other since the beginning of time. It's just a lousy characteristic of humans. But it's not something new. Check the history books.

Gremlin said...

No Comment....

SaM-GiRL said...

@ phlippy - youre telling me?

@ arlene - No, i guess its that way everywhere.

@ dino - read ur blog. So true.

@ spoon - I wish! lol.

@ dan - True Dan, but South - Africa has changed alot, and not for the better....

@ gremlin - no comment for you then. lol. =)