Thursday, March 22, 2007

*Friends Only*

Most of you guys know that I have a boyfriend, and that this year, in August, we will have been together for 10 years. Sure we had a few ups and downs, went on breaks, didnt see eachother for a while, but each time we found ourselves running back to eachother (which is obvious though, coz i love my angel, and cant imagine a life without him) There have been numerous occasions, where ppl ask, how long have you been together, and when I tell them they nearly die of a heart attack, as we are still so young, and started going out when we were 13. Some of my girlfriends dont know HOW i do it.... (Actually a specific girlfriend that needs to have a new boyfriend atleast every 2 months) She doesnt understand how we arent tired of eachother.. simple really.... LoVe .... Anyway, we decided to have fun the other day, and to put our details onto a dating website, (probably also coz some other bloggers are doing it) just to see how many responses we'd get, I did state on mine that I was only looking for friends though, and the pic above is the picture that is advertised for my profile. I was amazed at how many guys wanted to meet me, girls even! I didnt think I still had it! But I guess after such a long period with one guy, the compliments do tend to fade away... but the love always stays strong. You guys should try this, it really is a self-esteem-booster. Go get a subscription at you wont regret it! Even if its just for friends, lotsa great ppl on there!


lordwiggly said...

Hate to burst your bubble, but there are tons of fakes, loonies, psychos and perverts on those sites too so be careful!

Anonymous said...

I hate to break it to you, but I wouldn't date you if my child's life depended on it. I know, you're heartbroken, you self-centered wench.

Anonymous said...

I forgot 'Illiterate'. My apologies.

SaM-GiRL said...

LOL....ohhhhh, look whose back!! we missed you greggor!

@ wiggly - yeah, ive noticed that too, but most of them are nice.

Samantha said...

I used to use dating sites for real, but I got sick of all the loons! Saying that, I met the Chubbs on MySpace.

Erica Ann Putis said...

You are very pretty and shouldn't have to go to a website to hear it. But here I am on your website saying it, so I guess I'm just talking out of my ass. :) Congrats on 10 years together!

Dino said...

I had a friend that met every creep in town using one of those sites. be careful.

SaM-GiRL said...

@ samantha - See, thats why I dont meet people off the internet, Ive only exchanged cell numbers, then we chat on mxit. But my daddy always warned me 'bout the pshycos. lol.

@ erica - Lol, erica hun, you always talk outta ur ass, thats why u got so many ppl reading ur blog - WE LOVE IT -

@ dino - dont stress, im not meeting them, just chatting.

Anonymous said...

I did something similar, also just for fun.
I put a picture of myself on
It let's you look at pictures, and rate them 1 to 10, so it's fun to see what you get.

Her Infinite Cuteness said...

Sam that photo is simply stunning my girl.... congrats on the 10 year, that is wonderful....

Phlippy said...

10YEARS!!! OMG. Given what you've written I have nothing to say ;-)

SaM-GiRL said...

@ duzbin - sounds cool, maybe i should tell her about it.

@ cuteness - lol. thanks hun.

@ phlippy - lol. yeah man, it HAS to be love!

Arlene said...

You are so gorgeous toots, it's no wonder you're getting hits from so many guys!!
I'm glad you and hunny are happy, after all this time, and I agree, a little self esteem boost sometimes is nice :-)

Claudia said...

congrats on 10 years!! You're gorgeous!!

ZZZZZZZ said...

What a pretty picture! Wow ten years! Congrats! My boyfriend and I have been together for 6 years (this june) with no breaks or anything (thankfully!) Hope you have a great weekend!!!

SaM-GiRL said...

Thanks guys! appreciate it!

ShadowFalcon said...

10 years? wow thats impressive.

SaM-GiRL said...

LOL! NAPS!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I told you that is a pretty pic ;)


Anonymous said...

why are you guys still dating and havent made a commitment yet?

I think and I may be wrong, that both of you go out, and meet other people and when it doesnt work for you, you run back to one another.You are playing games and usually in games there are big monsters I hope the both of you will be equipt to slay those monsters when they are let loose and are coming to get you.