Friday, September 15, 2006

Dear Mr. President....

Dear Mr. President, come take a walk with me, Lets pretend were just 2 people, and youre not better than me. I'd like to ask you some questions, if we can speak honestly, what do you feel when you see all the homeless on the street, who do you pray for at night before you got to sleep? what do you feel when you look in the mirror? are you proud?
Dear Mr. President, were you a lonely boy, are you a lonely boy? how can you say "no child is left behind" were not dumb and were not blind, they're all sitting in your cells! while you pave the road to hell! what kind of father would take his own daughters rights away? and what kind of father might hate his own daughter if she were gay? i can only imagine what the first lady has to say ... you've come a long way from whiskey and cocaine. let me tell you 'bout hard work, minimum wage with a baby on the way, let me tell you 'bout hard work, rebuilding your house after the bombs took them away, let me tell you 'bout hard work, building a bed out of a box! hard work! hard work! hard work! how do you sleep at night? how do you walk with your head held high?
Dear Mr. President, you'd never take a walk with me, would you?


Anonymous said...

hey Sammy
I know this has got nothing to do with this post... but wie is daai girl from the previous post, Marra ??

I'm freekin in love with her, just by reading her posts.


Drizel said...

Hey PumkinEaterI know I am not Sam, but I know Marra. And he is a lesbian...High volume on he.
*wink wink*

Gremlin said...

mmm Dear Mister Presedant,,, I wouldn't even go there.

PumkinEater I hope your not in love with Marra... That can only be scarry!!


Titania said...

Brilliant post

SaM-GiRL said...

Lol............yeah....marra is a hot, if you prefer 'em hairy and with deep voices.

Anonymous said...

haha, nou's jy anti america?

verander jy 180 opinie wanneer dit jou beter laat lyk, of is dit net 'n simptoom van PMS?


Anonymous said...

Ek dink Marra moet 'n lewe kry, al sy blogs is altyd of teeeeee lank, of teeee useless....ban hom soos jy die ander geban het... dankie

SaM-GiRL said...

schalk, dis 'n song, wat "pink" sing, soos vee genoem het..... get some culture idiot!

Anonymous said...

Ja ek dink anon-na-moes is reg. Bandeer die bandiet. Want die pok weet...Raai wat...HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Nee seriously nou mense, dankie vir almal se kommentaar. Waardeer dit! Grem sinne die kewlste. (vorige blog se kommentaar Grem :-) )

Peace to you my fellow brothers and susters. En mag julle almal 'n geseënde week hê.

*Buig in eerbied en reverse met spoed by die deur uit*

Anonymous said...

pienk en culture in die selle sin?


SaM-GiRL said...

Berchelle....hoekom kruip jy weg?

Anonymous said...