Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Good Times

Had a great time this weekend, me and Hennie had a visit on Friday, and as all my good friends know we are back together, afterwards we had a nice visit with Tasha and Chris at my place, Saturday we had a braai at Tasha's place, and it was great!! Whilst sitting, talking the biggest load of shit with Tash, I realised something.. Having a good time doesnt mean going to a great place, or hanging out with trendy people, or whatever other cliche thing youd think youd have to do to have fun. Having a good time to me, is being with the people that I care so much about, and love dearly, even if its in the worst place, as long as my friends are there with me. Thats what sets the atmoshpere! Your friends. I got a bit tipsy on my Grunberger again as usual, and Tash told me a few times that I'm annoying when im drunk (hehehe - mwah) but shes LOUD, so I dont give a damn! everybody has their habits when intoxicated! Thanks for the great time guys! Love you all! Hennie, Tash, Juan, Debs, Chris, Bartec, James, Liam, Anthony, Nicky, u guys arent bad! Peace out! (hehehe)


Gremlin said...

HAHA to have a good time go some where! To have a Great time just hang out with your friends.

It's what really counts, would rather be at some one's house just having a braai and enjoy all the company of my friends than to be some where and not have themm all with me.

SaM-GiRL said...


SaM-GiRL said...

Yeah Vee, i believe you, and then come back to work not doing what we did or who we showed our willy's to? lol......sounds great!

SaM-GiRL said...

Yeah, i meant knowing. I knew u had enough brains to figure it out. yeah yeah, drank is die duiwl.

Anonymous said...

julle gautengers kan mos nie julle pokken drank vat nie. Toemaar, ons weet julle bly agter die wyngordyn in die oh-so-vaal driehoek.

wat was my punt nou weer...

SaM-GiRL said...

Ja, asseblief, wat WAS jou punt.. hierdie is nie die Oprah Winfrey show nie, se iets wat tel, of discriminating is, waaroor ons kan debate, moenie goed kom opmaak nie. Djou Kapenêr

Titania said...

Hahaha! Hey, us Capetonians aren't all bad! Ek was eintlik in Pretoria gebore, maar Kapenaar hart & siel! Anyway, stem 100% saam met die "it's not about the place, it's about the people" konsep. Ek kan enige plek wees - die mees boring tea-party, die trendieste club, die lekkerste house-party - die regte mense maak enige ding 'n blast!

SaM-GiRL said...

Ekt niks teen capetonians nie skat, ek en ou jonas het net 'n understanding...hy weet dit...

Anonymous said...

Sam ek kon jou dit jare terug vertel het.....ACTUALLY HET EK!

En iemand het iets gese dat hulle nie van iemand ander hou nie????Od was ek te getrek... en ja ek het my tollie vir ander mense gewys!

Anonymous said...

Shame napalm het jy nog n tollie... ai ai

Tash-Baby said...

Ja sam dit was 'n great weekend gewees!!!!!! Jy met jou wyn en ek maar met my amaroelatjie....hehehehe Dis vir my die beste om net so te kuier!!!!

SaM-GiRL said...

En Debs met al die sigaret brande op die weird plekke op haar liggaam! whahahahahahah.

Anonymous said...

Wag superman ek kyk gou.......yeah ek het!

Anonymous said...

Sam! Julle betas daai arme kind se kop so....sigarette brand merke all...arme debberelos

SaM-GiRL said...

Maaaaaaaaaan........sy sal fine wees. hehehe! Dit was nie ek nie.. (Of was dit?)

Anonymous said...

Gn wonder julle het naweek so enjoy! Damn lesbian nipple gebrandery ne!???

Gremlin said...

haha @ Naps

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