Im bringing sexy back.
Sex appeal.... Everybody wishes they had it, but not many are confident enough to carry it around with themselves. Many people think that you have to be hot to have "sex appeal" but that is the biggest load of Crikey Ive heard since hearing that Michael Jackson actually thinks he looks hot with his new nose!! And you dont need to have the perfect body for it either. My mommy always taught me, instead of stressing too much over the things that you dont like about yourself, rather focus on the stuff that makes you stand out, soon you'll be looking at yourself in a whole new light! Anyways, why try to fit in when you were born to stand out? I dont like guys with "super" fit bodies, and abs, and huge muscles, other girls do, but thats really not for me. When I look at a guy, the first thing I take notice of, is his eyes... I love a guy who has "deep" eyes... what do you guys look for, when checking out the opposite sex?
Hay Sammy, I do agree every body have sex appeal, ppl just look for deferent things... Me sorry cant say but if you don't have it then sorry for you... but it's not in looks, If I have to go to looks, I'll have to say the eye's and nose.
O sammy your mommy tought you well, not sure why thou... You got it all, the beautiful eye's, the cute nose, the stunning smile, the addoreble ears... mmmmm no wait let me rather stop there....
LOL! Whatever, anyway another thing i like on guys as well is the lips, I forgot to mention that, and if he knows how to use those lips, thats an added bonus!! heehee...
WHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! AI AI AI. Only a mother can love someone like you naps..... arme chantal.
Now you cant be like that sammy....
I love naps to...... As a friend...
The smile. A beautiful smile slays me... the eyes have to be smiling too, though!
Oh, and cheers for stopping by...!
Yeah, the smile is also nice, specially if the guy has dimples..
one man's poison is another man's wine i suppose... even ugly people need to get laid... so bring happiness to the world and sleep with someone that repulses you ;)
She needs to have the waist of a goddess. That's all.
There's so many...but if I have to point out a few...intelligence, no wait…I want to change that to wisdom. I like wisdom, good, talkative personality and general love for all great things…
I do enjoy a girls company when she can stand her own on algorithms, general knowledge and new fashion, technology and non of the superficial crap.
Wot is this too long pokken sorry...go kill urself human waste.
Eyes, being the window to ones soul, has to feature high up on the list of priorities. Thats why they invented sunglasses, to force one to look at the chin. If there happen to be two chins though, this does pose a problem. The other qualities sought after in the opposite sex would be their ability to have a conversation that actually has meaning and substance and does not consist of abriviated single syllabel sounds. But I am afraid that all your mothers were right when they said to look to the inner beauty of a person to find true attraction. Kindness shows itself by means of a smile so for me that goes a long way in attractiveness
I believe that the definition we are looking for here is Sexy so I would have to say that I find the eyes-smile combo sexy. A good example of this would be from our very own Sam-Girl. Not often you see that around and then there is (what was the word again, oh yes) wisdom to go with that.
My honger hart, Is deur jou liefde wakker gemaak,Wie sou die liefde van ons kurwes ken,Slegs in ons ure is ek nooit verlore
A person that makes me feel like I am the only one in the room. You need a certain degree of lust, you need to feel the persons soul. Your eyes must be able to speak with out words leaving your mouth. Addiction will set in soon, and then nothing else will matter.
Thats so true Drizzy.... and when you reach that stage of the relationship, where you dont even have to talk,to get eachother, its amazing!
Hey u saffers ....
I would say
1. Attitude ... can't live without it
2. Body ... Body should be good
3. Sexy smile, and should laugh lika pinball machine ..
4. eyes .... a must!!!
those buns.. ahh those sexy buns, and then must be able to have a decent conversation with you.
must have a smile that says "come kiss me" no vrot teeth.. pls
and smell, a clean smell is so sexy!!
1 and 3 thats all you really need, as there is only one..... that have both....
"Eyes, being the window to ones soul,"
I like that, Thats why the eye's are so important, eye's cant ly...
Who is he talkin' bout grems? Lee?
hehe yes!
Dit lyk discusting en baie seer, dis lyk stupid, kan nie dink aan om ooit so iets te doen nie - eish nee dankie
I was hoping more people were going to say "a sense of humour". It's all I have going for me.
Thanks for stopping by and commenting :)
Why are we talking about Naps Nuts?
My man has everything I want, A HOT CAR!!!!
Oh and a killer ass
and the personality of a cartoon.
But I have to go check out this thing with Naps Nuts
OOOPS that was me
Boring Post!!!!!!
uhmmmm Naps Nuts....
What a topic.... LOL
I think I'll exclude myself at this nuts topic...
Grem, how sure are you you're not gay! Coz im really getting worried now!
Extreme Gayness
I will always have this memory where me and all my buddies will have I braai or something to that effect, then all of a sudden Naps will stand there, NAKED, HAPPY !!!
Good old times
Too bad all the good old time are over! sigh
haha, ja naps "i can likes to wear a jean pant!" jou sexy ding! Chantal is 'n lucky girl hoor! Die res van ons meisies kan maar net droom!
Jy is nie vet nie......jys horizontaly challenged ok! daar is 'n verskil! haha. mwah.
Hi, guantanamera121212
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